Truck Accident Lawsuits in Sacramento | Attorney Michael Hackard
It doesn’t take much driving experience to see that the Sacramento Valley has some of the most dangerous roads in Northern California.
Highway 99 is narrow and aging. It’s not a modern roadway.
Highway 80 over the Sierras is beautiful. It’s also incredibly dangerous in winter – icy, wet roads, and limited visibility make driving perilous.
Interstate 5 is considered one of the most dangerous roads in the country. It’s a major truck route through Northern California cities that have heavy passenger vehicle traffic congestion.
This is a dangerous mix with a high number of accidents. A passenger car weighing 5,000 lbs., is no match for an average semi-truck with a loaded trailer weighing 80,000 lbs.
I handled my first catastrophic injury 18-wheeler truck case over 40 years ago. Times have changed. There are more trucks and more crashes – some 500,000 trucking accidents per year in the United States – over 5,000 of these resulting in death.
If you or a loved one were hit by a large commercial truck or 18-wheeler, contact Hackard Law for help.
Call 916 313-3030.
Hackard Law: Attorneys Making A Difference.