Our Circle of Competence | Protecting Beneficiaries
I’m Mike Hackard from Hackard Law. Have you ever thought about your circle of competence?
The circle of competence is a formula for pursuing excellence popularized by billionaire businessman Warren Buffett and his partner Charlie Munger.
The concept is simple: each one of us has useful knowledge we can channel into success. This knowledge comes from multiple sources, including natural aptitude, training and experience.
At Hackard Law, trust and estate litigation is our circle of competence. It comes from decades of law practice, a passion for advocacy, and constantly sharpening our professional skills.
Charlie Munger puts it this way:
“If you play games where other people have the aptitudes and you don’t, you’re going to lose. You have to figure out where you’ve got an edge. And you’ve got to play within your own circle of competence.”
When a beneficiary is treated unfairly and doesn’t receive their rightful distribution, we know how to compel the trustee to carry out their fiduciary duty.
When a family discovers elder financial abuse and a fraudulent transfer of assets, we know how to right the wrong.
We’re on the leading edge of our circle of competence, and we’re committed to protecting clients. And that’s what makes Hackard Law one of California’s top trust litigation law firms.
If you’re facing a dispute over a will or trust, call us today at 916-313-3030. We want to hear from you.
Hackard Law: Attorneys Making a Difference