January 5th, 2017
Estate Litigation

CA Probate 850 Heggstad Petition | Los Angeles County

You’re the heir to an estate in Los Angeles – and you expect that your rightful inheritance will be distributed to you fairly and on time. But then you notice that estate assets begin disappearing. Someone is committing estate theft – maybe it’s the trustee or an untrustworthy family member.

What are your options? What steps can you take in Los Angeles probate court? California probate law allows you to file a Section 850/Heggstad Petition. The Heggstad Petition allows abused heirs and beneficiaries to begin the process of discovery by:

  • Deposition
  • Interrogatories
  • Demand for Production of Documents

In other words, the Section 850/Heggstad Petition forces disclosure of potential wrongdoing, including fraud, elder financial abuse or undue influence. Hackard Law has provided an example of what a Heggstad Petition looks like so that you can see it for yourself:

CA Heggstad 850 Probate Petition Los Angeles